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Archaeologists are not unlike truckers. Exploring Minnesota and Wisconsin's oddities, scenery, culture, back roads, and eateries helps keep me sane.

05 May 2009

And the Winner of the "First Unofficial Chicago Dog Eating Contest" is... NORM!

Do you ever have those moments, when your mind is thinking faster than your mouth and everything comes out all funny? That happens to me a lot. It is not uncommon for nonsensical babble to come spewing out of my mouth, frequently at the entertainment of those who know me and the confusion of those who don't. An example from today -- Warning, this may be a "You Shoulda Been There" moment.

Me: Norm, let's name that site Swooping Hawk.

Norm: Hrmmm, noooo. Swooping?

Me: Ok, Soaring Hawk?

Norm: No.

Me: Circling Hawk?

Norm: No.

Me: Stephen J. Swooping Hawk?

Norm: *eyebrows raised*

Susan: *hysterically laughing*

** insert another Susie & Betty giggle fest here**

Norm: I don't think you two should be allowed to eat those Chicago hot dogs anymore...

Finally, Plainfield, Wisconsin has a claim to fame besides Ed Gein! A couple weeks ago, we noticed that the marquee for the Plainfield Bowl and Bar said, "TUES CHI DOG $1" but we never made it that Tuesday. Assuming the sign meant "chili dogs", we schemed up a chili dog eating contest, because you can't go wrong for $1 each. So today, en route to eat our bag lunches at a truck stop picnic table, Susan and I simultaneously noticed the marquee, went "IT'S TUESDAY!" and slammed on the brakes, and turned the caravan around. Luckily, Norm was willing to go along for the ride, even though he claimed to have been looking forward to a truck stop lunch.

We were the only people in the joint. How can this be? More people need to know about this!! The waiter/bartender/cook looked just like a young Chris Farley. Another thumbs up. We soon find out that CHI dog is really a Chicago-style hot dog. $1 for a Vienna hot dog with the works: mustard, relish, onions, sport peppers, tomatoes, and a dill pickle spear on a poppy seed bun. This is not disappointing. Susan, Norm, and I each order two. And whatdayaknow, the fries are only a dollar too!!

Delicious. Everything is on the dog, including the pickle spear. I will definitely be eating this again. The bill for lunch, including 6 Chicago dogs, 2 orders of fries, and 2 cokes came to $11.44. I love Wisconsin.

My dawgs, sans onions

A happy Susie

Nearly lost the dog!

The hot dogs got the best of me, I couldn't finish my two. Susan left a mess of toppings on her plate, but Norm finished everything but the poppy seeds, making him *drum roll* the "First Unofficial Chicago Dog Eating Contest". A t-shirt is in the works.

Oh yeah, we found lots of Woodland pottery today too. Score for right-of-way archaeology!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

oh come ON! two?? I want in on this!! it'll be so hard to leave Green Bay, though...